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from The Republican (Danville, Indiana)--issue of Thursday, October 31, 1912—page 1, column 5:

Robert Hufford

Son of Liberty Township Asks For Votes at Tuesday's Election

In Robert Hufford, one sees a typical sheriff. In the very prime of life, still young, alert, active, keen of eye, erect, strong of limb and body and mind with a presence that commands respect, Robert Hufford asks for the votes of the people of his native county.

He was born in Liberty township, August 23, 1869 and practically all his life has been spent in Liberty and Center townships, he now living in Center township. For two years he lived in Arizona, from 1895 to 1897 where he was chief deputy sheriff or under sheriff, as is the office called in that country under his uncle who was sheriff. Some years before his uncle had served a term as sheriff. The county was divided and the portion in which his uncle lived was organized into a new county known as Navajo. By recommendation of the people, the Republican territorial governor, Gov. Hughes, appointed his uncle as sheriff and Robert served as under sheriff. When the campaign of 1896 came on, the Republican organization solicited Mr. Hufford to be a candidate for the nomination but as he was a comparatively new comer and the election was uncertain and he was financially unable to take the chance, he declined. While there was no promise to that effect, yet it had been understood that if the Republican candidate was successful, Mr. Hufford was to be appointed under sheriff. The Republican candidate was elected but another man was appointed under sheriff and in 1897, Mr. Hufford, after going to California, to secure his bride, returned to Indiana.

Here he has since lived, an industrious, careful farmer, respected of all men, his life an open book. He has stood four-square to the world and “Bob” Hufford's word is as good as any man's bond. He makes a manly, honorable fight for the election in his open, frank manner. The voters of Hendricks county have rarely been called upon to choose a man so well qualified for the office and he merits the enthusiastic support of all men.