Genealogy Data > Index to Divorce Notices--"B" Surnames

Divorce Notice for Huston Branson and Marcella Robbins

from The Republican (Danville, Indiana)--issue of Thursday, March 30, 1905—page 1, column 4:

Branson Shipped

Huston Branson, he who lately attempted to use a shotgun to bring matters to his liking and who went to jail under surety of the peace proceedings was shipped out of town Monday night. His wife [Marcella Robbins] was given a divorce and Branson was perpetually enjoined from bothering her. Branson pleaded guilty to intoxication and agreed to leave the state if a charge of carrying weapons was not pushed. His stepson, Charles Robbins, bought Branson's interest in the stock on the farm and will move there. A ticket to Los Angeles was purchased for Branson and the ticket with the money belonging to Branson was given to the conducter [sic] of the midnight train Monday and Branson loaded on the train and the conductor instructed to give ticket and money to Branson when St. Louis was reached.