Genealogy Data > Index to Divorce Notices--"B" Surnames

Divorce Notice for Alonzo E. Brookshire and Maggie Brookshire

from The Republican (Danville, Indiana)—issue of Thursday, February 13, 1913—page 1, column 1:


Tucked away with other papers, the complaint in the Brookshire vs. Brookshire divorce case were [sic] found and thereby the tension has been relieved. The mysterious disappearance of these papers suggested that some interesting news had been suppressed but the sensation proves to be without foundation. Alonzo E. Brookshire asks for a divorce from Maggie Brookshire and if his allegations are true he deserves one. He alleges they were married April 29, 1901 and separated June 15, 1903. He claims that she abused him, called him vile names, sought the company of other men, urged him to get a divorce, was guilty of infidelity and he has understood she had a house of bad repute.