Genealogy Data > Index to Divorce Notices--"B" Surnames

Divorce Notice for Ralph E. Brown and Mae Francis McCormick

from The Republican (Danville, Indiana)—issue of Thursday, September 3, 1903—page 1, column 5:

Divorce Wanted

The fate of Ralph E. Brown and Mae Frances McCormick was decided by the road his horse took on the day they were married according to one of the statements in her complaint for divorce. They were married August 27, 1902, and separated Dec. 6, 1902. She alleges that on the day following their marriage, her husband told her their marriage was an accident, that he was undecided whether he would go to Indianapolis to see another girl or go to Clayton and marry the plaintiff and that he left the matter to his horse to decide which he should do and the horse turned on to the Clayton road. Plaintiff alleges unfaithfulness and cruel treatment. Alimony in the sum of $1,000 wanted and maiden name restored.